Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources – basis for sustainable development
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/ Projects


Key projects

Project for construction of 40 kW photovoltaic station in Yukorichirchik district of the Tashkent region. Grant from the Korea Energy Agency
Project for construction of 40 kW photovoltaic station in Yukorichirchik district of the Tashkent region. Grant from the Korea Energy Agency
Forish district. Jizzak region. Solar power system.
Forish district. Jizzak region. Solar power system.
Resort area. Tashkent region. Solar water heaters.
Resort area. Tashkent region. Solar water heaters.
Tashkent city. Yunus Abad. Solar water heaters.
Tashkent city. Yunus Abad. Solar water heaters.
Gukistan city. Sirdaria region. Solar water heaters.
Gukistan city. Sirdaria region. Solar water heaters.
Sirdaria region. Solar water heaters.
Sirdaria region. Solar water heaters.
Chicken farm. Toitepa.Solar water heaters.
Chicken farm. Toitepa.Solar water heaters.
UNDP project. Biogas unit.
UNDP project. Biogas unit.
Kamar village. Kashkadaria region.
Kamar village. Kashkadaria region.
IBRR project. Kamar village. Solar panel power systems
IBRR project. Kamar village. Solar panel power systems
Kamar village. Solar water heaters.
Kamar village. Solar water heaters.
Greenhouse. Kibray. Solar water heaters.
Greenhouse. Kibray. Solar water heaters.
Greenhouse. Kibray.
Greenhouse. Kibray.
Angren city. Solar water heaters.
Angren city. Solar water heaters.
Bakhmal district. Jizzakh region. Solar panel power systems
Bakhmal district. Jizzakh region. Solar panel power systems

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